New carpet is expensive but there are several things you can do to make your carpet last longer. One of the most important is weekly vacuuming with a good quality, well maintained, vacuum. Even the best vacuum needs regular maintenance. Make sure that the vaccum bag or canister isn't full, and if it is, empty or replace it. It goes without saying that a full vacuum will be limited in it's ability to pick up more and you will be wasting your time pushing it around your home. Also, check the brush on the bottom of the vacuum and make sure that it isn't entangled with hair and debri. If it is, the brush might not be spinning at it's optimum speed, so take a pair of scissors and clean it off. When using the vacuum, go slow and allow it time to do it's job. In heavily trafficked areas go over it from different angles to remove as much dirt as you can.
A second way to care for your carpet is to limit the amount of dirt and debri that enters your home in the first place. A good quality doormat will do wonders in this regard. I recently purchased a new doormat made from recycled tires that I have been very impressed with. Whether you go with a traditional coir mat, a rubber based mat, or something more decorative, you will be doing your carpet a favor.
Lastly, have your carpet steam cleaned by a professional who uses a truck mounted machine at least once a year. Not only will this help your carpets last longer and improve the air quality in your home (carpeting is the largest air filter your home has), but annual carpet cleaning is a requirement for the manufacturer's warranty to cover your carpet from premature wear.
Do these three simple things and you will not only have a cleaner home but your carpet will last longer as well.
A second way to care for your carpet is to limit the amount of dirt and debri that enters your home in the first place. A good quality doormat will do wonders in this regard. I recently purchased a new doormat made from recycled tires that I have been very impressed with. Whether you go with a traditional coir mat, a rubber based mat, or something more decorative, you will be doing your carpet a favor.
Lastly, have your carpet steam cleaned by a professional who uses a truck mounted machine at least once a year. Not only will this help your carpets last longer and improve the air quality in your home (carpeting is the largest air filter your home has), but annual carpet cleaning is a requirement for the manufacturer's warranty to cover your carpet from premature wear.
Do these three simple things and you will not only have a cleaner home but your carpet will last longer as well.